Category: Pre-Surgery

  • From Struggle to Sleeve: Embracing a Fresh Start

    From Struggle to Sleeve: Embracing a Fresh Start

    The part you’ve all been waiting for now that I’m done rambling… Holy shit. It’s the day before surgery.  Today I start liquids only… crazy! I was spoiled in a sense, because I knew others had to do two weeks of the liquid diet prior to surgery, if not more. My last meal was Taco…

  • Unexpected Path to Gastric Sleeve Surgery – How It All Started

    Unexpected Path to Gastric Sleeve Surgery – How It All Started

    I won’t lie. I didn’t ever think this sort of thing would be an option for me. I didn’t know much about the surgery, but I’ll admit I always assumed it was for people who were much heavier than myself. My whole life I’ve struggled with my weight. Lots of back and forth. What’s crazy…